Friday, November 21, 2008

Pray For Our President-Elect

Please pray for President-Elect Obama. Pray that he will be a leader pleasing to God. Pray that he will govern as a man of morals and that he will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Pray that he will not be treated the way President Bush has been treated. If he is to be attacked the way President Bush has been, this country will be in for more difficult times than we are having now. I have read, seen and heard terrible things that have been aimed at Barak Obama already.

Once again, this does not mean he is to get a pass on moral or doctrinal issues. God will still take precedence on these matters, but we as a people need to be respectful and civil as we voice our disagreements.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Spousal Communication

Sunday morning I was sitting in church and watching people while waiting for the service to start. My lovely wife was not with me, she was in another portion of the church working.

As I sat and people watched, I became enthralled, I watched the communication going on between husbands and wives. There was a beautiful closeness to it. They communicated in way that others would not understand. Each couple was unique. The soft hushed words of a wife and the deeper toned response from the husband. Others would be undable to hear clearly what was said, but each couple understood themselves. They may use words or perhaps just sounds that had been expressed for years between the two of them that conveyed the idea to be understood. It was inspiring to see the closeness and somberness as they came together with friends to worship God.

The Church (not the building, the people) is the bride of Christ. The Church communicates with Jesus through prayer and scripture reading and many people do not understand this. But it is an even more beautiful thing than the communication of a husband and wife. The communication between Jesus and his bride is a holy thing. It is separate and apart from the rest of the world. The world watches and hears bits of the communication, but does not understand. In the world's ignorance they ridicule the union as much as a recently divorced angry man would look at a married couple and mock their marriage. The angry man would need to reconcile his anger before he would ever be able to love again.

Pray for marriages and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 14, 2008

We Were Told

Just months ago we were told that the price of gas was what it was going to be from then on, $4.00+. We were told by most politicians that we could not "drill our way out of it".

Prices are now hovering just above the $2.00 range. We have not drilled our way out of it, but the week after both parties started speaking of drilling, the futures contracts started falling. The economic downturn has also greatly impacted the price as well.

The thought that the price of a commodity is to be forever stuck at one price is ignorant. Prices go up and they go down, only to go up again. There can be no argument that a big reason for the lower price is due to lower demand. So demand is lower than the price of $4.00 would allow. So it would seem if the demand was still allowing for a $4.00 price and drilling pumped more oil into the market, we would effect the supply side of the equation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The People Expect....

I saw Democrtat strategist Howard Wolfson on the news this morning. He was questioned about the proposed bailout of the big 3 car makers. He was asked about this money making its way to the workers as raises and better benefits at a time when others in different careers are losing jobs. He said how can you ask an auto line worker making $40-$50k a year not to get something when the executives are.

First thing, I don't think the executives should be getting bonuses or raises from any bailout whether it is the financial industry, car industry or any other industry.
Any bailout should be dictated so.

Second thing, I don't think the average line worker in Detroit is making $40-$50k a year. Nope, I just checked and the yearly average for the big 3 workers for wages and benefits is about $145k a year. As an aside the U.S. workers for Toyota, Honda and Nissan average $96k a year. Still alot of money for a high school graduate.

Third thing, Howard Wolfson knows this. He is acting in defense of the unions that continue to deliver votes to the Democrats. This is the payoff for the votes.

Fourth thing, originally I was for some emergency bailouts because I was told by the media and the politicians of both parties that without them the economy would crash. Now I am not so sure I believe any of it. It has become a money grab from the government. When I say government, I mean those that pay taxes. That excepts out what, approximately 30-40% of the population.

Even in these lean times the American population still has the mindset of what is in it for me. Until we get back to a strong work ethic, the ideal of being paid what you are worth not what you can extort, we are going to be in a world of hurt and this downturn will continue. Money can not continue to be taken from producers in the economy to pay off for votes. Or worse money can not continue to be borrowed to pay for votes.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Don't Know What To Make Of It

Of the approximately 20 people that work in my office, there is 1 veteran.

At the church I attend perhaps as many as 40% of the men in the congregation are veterans.

To The Republicans

The Republican party needs rehabilitation.

The Republican party needs to clean house and get rid of the old dry political wing of the party. The politicians that are in power to be in power and have influence need to go. The Republican party needs to become a party of ideals, of freedom and of liberty.

No longer should we see politicians of pork such as Ted Stevens of Alaska. No longer should we hear political aides seeking scape goats for their boss like we heard aides of John McCain bad mouthing Sarah Palin at the end of the campaign. It is a childish thing to do and must not be condoned. Take responsibility. Be an adult. I expect more from the party I choose. John McCain has been disappointing in not publicly chastising his aides that did this.

A good example of Republican ineptitude was the local race for Congressional Distric 1. The state party endorsed Sydney Hay through the primary in opposition to Saundra Livingstone. Sydney Hay is a lobbyist and was ran against effectively on that aspect in the general election. Saundra Livingstone has a great backround as an attorney and work in the State Department under Condoleeza Rice. The power brokers made their decision and possibly cost the Republicans a seat in the House.

The base is becoming more disheartened by the Republican establishment. Principles can not be given up to win an election. It is a sad state if it takes deceit to win an election.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Issues

I still respect Barak Obama as my country's President Elect, but I already have some issues that I must comment on.

1. Poland-Over the weekend it was announced that Barak Obama had called President Medvedev of Russia and the president of Poland. The president of Poland released an anouncement that he was pleased that the new administration would be continuing with the missle defense shield. Barak Obama's camp quickly released a statement saying "not so fast". Pray that Barak Obama will quickly pick up international relations and that he won't say what each group wants to hear like during a political race. Also pray for commitment to our free allies in opposition to a resurgent totalitarian Russia.

2. Homosexual Marriage & the Church-Barak Obama definitely had the homosexual lobby supporting his election. Over the weekend there was a big protest rally at Saddleback Church protesting the passage of Proposition 8 in California (the gay marriage prop). It would be go a long way in uniting the country if he would ask his supporters to ease off the Church. If he is going to tacitly support attacks on conventional Christian doctrine he will lose whatever support he had in traditional Christian churches. Of course he will always have the support of the left wing churches that preach acceptance over Biblical truths and that speak of "the many ways to God", "we all are gods" or the "Christian Myth" as in the Unitarians or the UCC.

3. International Abortion-Also heard was a report that one of the first acts of the Obama administration will be to repeal President Bush's order against federal funding of international groups that advocate abortions in foreign countries. To advocate more abortions of babies in poor third world countries is a bad idea. The poor should not be targeted for abortion, they should be helped. All serious reports say that the Bush administration spent more money and effort on Africa than previous administrations. If the budget for third world countries is to be raised then life is where the money should be spent.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thank You

Mrs. Palin, thank you for your effort. Thank you for voicing traditional values of liberty and self reliance.

Please accept my apologies. As a registered Republican, I am sorry for the trashing you are receiving from the Republican establishment. Please do not compromise your principles to be accepted by the leaders in Washington. Stay true to yourself as they attempt to make you a scapegoat for a lost election that was really a result of an electorate that has moved hard to the left.

Come back in 2012. The traditional population that values their freedom are waiting for you.

The Punits Are Wrong

This morning on the news program I saw pundits saying that Barak Obama will govern more from the center than the left where he ran.

I don't think he can govern from the center. For the last 2 years the public has been told that there would be "free stuff" for them. They have been told that they would receive money taken from wealthier people. They have been told that their worries over health care would be over. They have been told that they would have better jobs and make more money. They believed these things and voted for Barak Obama.

Should Barak Obama now try to govern from the center they people will not be pleased. They will protest and complain about the promises that are "owed" to them. They deserve other people's money. They believed Joe Biden when he said it would be unpatriotic for wealthier people not to give their money to poorer people. The people who voted for Barak Obama see these things now as their rights.

This will be interesting if nothing else.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Elect Obama

Barak Obama will be the next President of the United States. We must continue to respect the office and show him respect as well. The Bible in Romans 13 reads

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."

Do not give up your doctrine or morality. All I am saying is we need to be civil and respectful while we work for a return to the concepts of the fight against abortion, the contest against totalianarism and the struggle for personal liberty. Pray for America!

Monday, November 03, 2008

On Liberty

Liberty is waning. The population no longer desire or want liberty. The people want to be sheltered and want the ability to be able to tell others how to live. We are growing softer and I pray for a turnaround.

The first expample I have is local. Prescott is contemplating a new planning and zoning ordinace that would require 40% of land to subdivided be allocated for open space. This is a popular idea in Prescott these days. To get free stuff (open space) without renumerating others for it is seen as just these days. Prescott did not used to be populated by characters such as these, but then again this country did not either. Say a person has acreage locally that has been handed down through generations and the current owner has been planning on selling it off to finance his or her retirement. Now the citizens of Prescott seek to change the rules and make subdividing land impractical, which is the whole point.

Prescott has a beautiful downtown area of victorian homes. If a developer today were to suggest narrow lots with homes packed in like the valued downtown, the developer would be attacked, defamed and the people would attempt to extort value (land) from him. The development would not be viewed as quaint.

The second example is national. Barak Obama said new coal plants could be built but he would tax them so hard they would go bankrupt. Coal is a "dirtier" option for energy, but there is new technology coming on line all the time. To restrict electricity production by harrasing coal companies does not make sense and would end up most impacting the lower and middle classes to which he claims to fight. The coal miner's families would be devastated. The people that heat their homes with coal generated electricity would suffer. Barak Obama put himself in a difficult postulating a police power taking of private property.