Friday, August 29, 2008

Mrs. Sarah Palin

I am very happy with Sarah Palin's selection as a running mate for John McCain.

McCain never energized me but Sarah Palin does seem like a breath of fresh air. She is a young politician from outside of Washington, she is devout in her faith in Jesus, she opposed Republican Ted Steven's "Bridge to Nowhere" and she is prolife.

Sarah Palin seems to be a throwback to previous politicians that came up through the ranks of local government then state government and then entered into national government. She is not a congressperson that has compromised their principles to get deals done. From what I've read of her she seems to be a person of traditional values that does not compromise herself for the next money deal.

Another good sign is that the traditional media are skeptical of her! Prescott College must be a very sad place to be today.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Waiting to hear.....

I am still waiting to hear the words of condemnation from Randall Amster about Russia's invasion of Georgia. This invasion hits all of Mr. Amster's hot points. A sovereign country invaded by a far superior country, the control of an oil pipeline and a ego maniac leader. Yes in this situation these conditions actually do exist, but it is silence.

Perhaps the women in black are preparing a protest of Russia as well.

We may read a one time soft pedalled critique of Russia by Mr. Amster, but there will not be years of columns of condemnation. The women in black will not stage repeated protests.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


With Obama now selecting Biden as his running mate, let us turn to the Republican party.

I would prefer either Sarah Palin ( ), or Fred Thompson ( ). I would imagine either would fair well in a debate with Joe Biden. This is important due to the fact Obama is limiting the number of debates between himself and McCain.


Russia said they would withdrawl, but now are going to continue to control the port city of Poti. Poti has nothing to do with the two areas of recognized Georgia seeking to return to Russian rule and leave Georgia.

This is further evidence Russia's actions in Georgia have nothing to do with peace keeping but instead all to do with restoring their empire.

Think of Russia as the abusive ex-boyfriend that stalks and abuses the ex-girlfriend when she finds a more fulfilling relationship.

Monday, August 11, 2008


The story of Russia's invasion of Georgia is not getting the attention that it deserves. Russia not only has Georgia under its thumb, but it now has other eastern bloc former members of the Soviet Union worried.

I just read Putin is upset the United States airlifted 2000 Georgian soldiers from Iraq back to Georgia. That Putin would think we would not assist true allies who are helping us in Iraq to get back and defend their own country is a sign of how the US image in the world has fallen.