Tuesday, September 29, 2009


American society is crumbling. It is now common in public discourse to question those prosecuting or disclosing child abuse.

In the last month we have had two cases of such an erosion of morals.

The first is the ACORN scandals. Video tape evidence of repeated cases of ACORN employees agreeing to facilitate the establishment of brothels using underage girls from South America.

The second is the attempt to carry out the prosecution of the director Roman Polanski. Mr. Polanski pleaded guilty to raping a 13 year old girl then fled to France to avoid punishment. If you are not familiar with the Polanski case go here (warning, it is disturbing):


Segments of American society are now supporting the molestors and abettors of child sexual abuse. The talking heads question the motives of the people disclosing the evidence.

We are sinking fast.

Pray for America.

Friday, September 25, 2009


1. I have been pondering the attitudes of the congregations of today. One attitude of note I have been thinking of was that of a church we used to attend. It was a very liberal church, both theologically and politically. It was a United Church of Christ of congregation. The prevailing attitude was one of superior intellectual ability. They tended to believe that their superior wisdom over ruled the scriptures. They believed that churches that preached the gospel according to the Bible were misguided and some thought possibly dangerous.

Another congregation I have been told about lately is a Bible believing conservative church. I have not attended this church, but the tone of the church in the local community is that other churches only wish they could be like them. This elitism is not based on doctrine they preach, which is good, but based on management and physical aspects.

We as the big "C" church really need to examine ourselves. Do we watch our doctrine closely? Do we love our fellow Christian? Do we look down on our brothers? Did the apostles congratulate the churches they visited, and created, on their buildings or facilities? This is not to say we should not make our buildings inviting to new comers, but instead to ask is our pride getting in the way of the Kindgom of God?

2. With so many rulings against Christianity in the public sphere, how is it possible we are going to have an Islamic day of prayer in Washington? Ironic that this day of prayer is so soon after the busting of Islamic domestic terrorist plots in Colorado, New York and other places.

3. Is God playing with our federal government? Again, ironic isn't it that 2 days after President Obama pledged a desire to have nuclear weapon free world, and pledged to unilaterally destroy some of our weapons that the international community discloses that Iran has been subverting the international dictates against it ordering it not to develop nuclear weapons and now has an additional nuclear site that is incompatible with peaceful energy use.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I received this quote from Patriot Post in my E-mail today:

"The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." --James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, 1790

We, as a society, have tended to fall away from the original intent of our Constitution and God in the Bible.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Funny Car?

While on a walk about town yesterday I saw a vehicle that made me chuckle.

On the back of the car was an Obama '08 bumper sticker that read "Got Hope?" and prominently below it was your standard atheist Darwin fish. You know, one of the fish symbols with the Darwin's name inside.

An atheist that believes in evolution and could theoretically get hit by a train and mulch into the ground becoming nothing asking if another person has "Hope"? This atheist that believes man is just another animal with self-imposed man-made laws that can rapidly be changed by the next authority asks others if they have "Hope"?

No longer do I laugh at him but instead I now feel deep sorrow for him. He has no real "Hope" by his own "Choice".

Friday, September 04, 2009

Embassy=Abu Ghraib?

If the left wing had any consistency, yes, there would be an equivalence between the American Embassy in Afghanistan and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

The left wing relentlessly portrayed the abhorent actions by very few soldiers at Abu Ghraib as the state policy of the Bush administration. The left wing knew it was not Bush administration policy but latched on to the story as a way to make political points.

If the left wing had ANY consitency they would now portray the disgusting actions of the guards at the American Embassy in Afghanistan as stated Obama policy just as they jumped at the chance to accuse the Bush administration. But they will not. I do not believe it was Obama policy to sexually abuse guards and I do not believe it was Bush policy for soldiers to abuse prisoners.

Along the same line about consistency. Locally, during the Bush administration we had ladies that would dress up in black dresses and protest the wars. I disagreed with their actions but allowed that they had their opinion. Now, with President Obama in power, their is no sight of the Women in Black. Do they suddenly see the logic of trying to free people from tyranny? Did they get fatigued?

During the Bush administration they local paper, The Prescott Courier, ran many stories about anti-war protests. Now they will not report on Tea Party protests, stating that nothing has changed, it is the same arguments as the last protest. They say they have already covered the subject. Could we have some consistency please.