Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Punits Are Wrong

This morning on the news program I saw pundits saying that Barak Obama will govern more from the center than the left where he ran.

I don't think he can govern from the center. For the last 2 years the public has been told that there would be "free stuff" for them. They have been told that they would receive money taken from wealthier people. They have been told that their worries over health care would be over. They have been told that they would have better jobs and make more money. They believed these things and voted for Barak Obama.

Should Barak Obama now try to govern from the center they people will not be pleased. They will protest and complain about the promises that are "owed" to them. They deserve other people's money. They believed Joe Biden when he said it would be unpatriotic for wealthier people not to give their money to poorer people. The people who voted for Barak Obama see these things now as their rights.

This will be interesting if nothing else.


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