Monday, September 29, 2008

The Loss

The news is saying we lost one trillion dollars in the market today.

We have been debating alloting up to 700 billion dollars.



At the moment the Dow Jones Average is down about 700 points. Left to stand, this will have major impacts on the country and the world.

The House of Representatives voted against the bail-out bill. It seems to be primarily due to politics. The have constituents loudly protesting the bail-out, money going to the big financial instituions. The people are protesting the corruption and Congress is afraid to act, they want re-elected.

I believe there needs to be a bail-out plan and that the protest of the public is undermining our economy in an effort to see "big guys" suffer. The public is not looking at the big picture and how this issue is going to impact their lives. Only too late will the people come to realize their error, when it will take a long time to right the economy.

There is a slim chance we will act in time to avert serious problems but I have little confidence of it. Pundits on the radio and on the internet are still speaking about how this debacle can be used to their gain. They are still playing politics at others expense.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Possible Good Sign

Recently I had a nice evening with an older couple who are more apolitical than average. The good sign was that these people, that don't follow politics, recognized that the media was bashing Sarah Palin. The brought this subject up, I did not prompt them. If this is reflective of the rest of the flyover country, it could be a problem for the Democrat party. The media relish the roll of telling the country what to think.

The main stream media continue to be biased for Barak Obama while claiming impartiality. The ordinary people seem to be on to them, they seem to be thinking for themselves. Not a good sign for the media.

Friday, September 19, 2008


This morning the stock market is rising fast on news of more government bailouts. I am the farthest from being a financial expert, but I hope the federal government is not expending money for short term gain resulting in long term troubles.

I worry the financail markets and companies have become so bloated and possibly corrupt that throwing money at them now to prop them up will only push the problem down the street. I worry that the abrupt rise in the market after a terrible week of losses is only the reaction of the financial companies that they don't have to address their issues now. They can continue as business as usual because the government will bail them out.

On a more upbeat note, earlier this week I was fortunate to work with some of the teenagers at my church. If anyone is pessimistic about the youth of today I encourage you to visit your local church and see the segment of the youth culture that is not given exposure in the media. The teenagers in my church are just fantastic, they are more composed than I was at their age. The event at which I was allowed to interact with them was a community service opportunity at a local secular institution. They are tremendous young adults eager to be positive and help others. If other churches have youth groups anything like ours, rest easy in the country's future.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Media Ethics

Somebody has hacked into Governor Palin's personal E-mail account and the media does not raise an objection, on the contrary they report the hack gleefully. No government business is reported being done in the personal e-mail account, which was the reason given for the hack.

The media has once again proven it has no standards, only a world view. The public will see this as another reason to back McCain-Palin. The media is partisan, biased and unreliable but they are also the gang that can not shoot straight. They will end up electing McCain-Palin and complain loudly when it happens.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Democratic Response

I am hearing and reading more that the tactic the Democrat party will use against Sarah Palin is questioning her belief in the Bible. This is a very poor idea that seems brilliant to the out of touch in the Obama campaign and the main stream media.

People will not react well to her faith being attacked, or so I hope. Perhaps I am putting to much trust in the American public. The public is changing but at this time the majority of the public respects and loves the Church even though the elites have been trying to break them of this respect.

When the Democrat party attacks Christianity I hope the people will see it for what it is. An attempt to say put your faith in us and not Christ.

People, please continue to love God and love your neighbor as yourselves. Everything else will fall into place.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I just read that the state of Nevada has a retirement funding problem. These type of stories will probably continue to appear in the future.

Our culture of the last 100 years has decided people no longer need to work past 60 to 65 years and our economy is now showing the results. We are bankrupting our children. It embarasses me to look at our youth and know that the money they are sending to Social Security will not be there for their society and it is not secure. We are paying there future to today's elderly.

There are many people that can not work in their 6o's, 70's or 80's and we should support those people monetarily and pray for them and care for them in Christ. The only way out would be for the able bodied older population to voluntarily rejoin the workforce with their experience and add to our GDP, and not take money from the federal government.

This issue will never be addressed by politicians searching for votes from the older segment of the country.

In previous generations there was always an overiding drive to leave a better situation for the children. This thought has skipped the baby boom generation but I hear a return of it more and more from the generation following the boomers.