Thursday, November 13, 2008

The People Expect....

I saw Democrtat strategist Howard Wolfson on the news this morning. He was questioned about the proposed bailout of the big 3 car makers. He was asked about this money making its way to the workers as raises and better benefits at a time when others in different careers are losing jobs. He said how can you ask an auto line worker making $40-$50k a year not to get something when the executives are.

First thing, I don't think the executives should be getting bonuses or raises from any bailout whether it is the financial industry, car industry or any other industry.
Any bailout should be dictated so.

Second thing, I don't think the average line worker in Detroit is making $40-$50k a year. Nope, I just checked and the yearly average for the big 3 workers for wages and benefits is about $145k a year. As an aside the U.S. workers for Toyota, Honda and Nissan average $96k a year. Still alot of money for a high school graduate.

Third thing, Howard Wolfson knows this. He is acting in defense of the unions that continue to deliver votes to the Democrats. This is the payoff for the votes.

Fourth thing, originally I was for some emergency bailouts because I was told by the media and the politicians of both parties that without them the economy would crash. Now I am not so sure I believe any of it. It has become a money grab from the government. When I say government, I mean those that pay taxes. That excepts out what, approximately 30-40% of the population.

Even in these lean times the American population still has the mindset of what is in it for me. Until we get back to a strong work ethic, the ideal of being paid what you are worth not what you can extort, we are going to be in a world of hurt and this downturn will continue. Money can not continue to be taken from producers in the economy to pay off for votes. Or worse money can not continue to be borrowed to pay for votes.


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