Thursday, November 12, 2009

Different Things

First, hypocratic people. If you read an earlier post of mine, , it is about an Amish school shooting during President Bush's administration. The post reports on two co-workers I have attributing the shooting to the murder's being driven insane by President Bush's policies. That is completley irrational but let us move on.

With the murders, not a tragedy but an atrocity, at Fort Hood I was anticipating the co-workers attributing the murders to President Obama (insert sarcasm here). Of course the co-workers do not believe this, nor do I. One co-worker's concern is how this is being played in the media in relation to protecting President Obama from claims of not protecting the troops. The truth is Major Hassan is a Muslim extremist that was allowed to stay in the military due to political correctness. Major Hassan should have been discharged when he started spouting Islamist beliefs.

On a completely lighter note...How about those Suns! A record of 8-1 to start the season, surprising all the experts. Tonight will be a tough game against the 6-1 Lakers in L.A.. Go Suns!


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