Some Issues
I still respect Barak Obama as my country's President Elect, but I already have some issues that I must comment on.
1. Poland-Over the weekend it was announced that Barak Obama had called President Medvedev of Russia and the president of Poland. The president of Poland released an anouncement that he was pleased that the new administration would be continuing with the missle defense shield. Barak Obama's camp quickly released a statement saying "not so fast". Pray that Barak Obama will quickly pick up international relations and that he won't say what each group wants to hear like during a political race. Also pray for commitment to our free allies in opposition to a resurgent totalitarian Russia.
2. Homosexual Marriage & the Church-Barak Obama definitely had the homosexual lobby supporting his election. Over the weekend there was a big protest rally at Saddleback Church protesting the passage of Proposition 8 in California (the gay marriage prop). It would be go a long way in uniting the country if he would ask his supporters to ease off the Church. If he is going to tacitly support attacks on conventional Christian doctrine he will lose whatever support he had in traditional Christian churches. Of course he will always have the support of the left wing churches that preach acceptance over Biblical truths and that speak of "the many ways to God", "we all are gods" or the "Christian Myth" as in the Unitarians or the UCC.
3. International Abortion-Also heard was a report that one of the first acts of the Obama administration will be to repeal President Bush's order against federal funding of international groups that advocate abortions in foreign countries. To advocate more abortions of babies in poor third world countries is a bad idea. The poor should not be targeted for abortion, they should be helped. All serious reports say that the Bush administration spent more money and effort on Africa than previous administrations. If the budget for third world countries is to be raised then life is where the money should be spent.
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