Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Straining For Cover

The elites in the world are surging toward enacting protocols to address "Global Warming" or "Climate Change". The surge is picking up momentum due to ongoing revelations of scientific malpractice, evidence that there is no anthropomorphic global warming and their opportunity being in power. So to defend themselves these actions must be brought forth to prolong their reign. If they do not get their policies put in place and it becomes more obvious that there is no man-caused "Global Warming", they will be humiliated, however, if they get their laws enacted while they are in power and the "Global Warming" ceases, then they can claim victory. They can claim we all owe them our adulation for saving us and their obsequious media will deliver their story for them.

Stay alert. Pray for discernment. Do not put your faith in "Man".


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