Friday, October 31, 2008

Local Issues

Chino Valley and Prescott Valley continue to grow.

Chino Valley and Prescott Valley are growing their business community. There are more stores, restaurants and entertainment options all the time. This means the dollars spent are generating tax funds for the respective communities. No longer do people live in Chino Valley or Prescott Valley, then drive into to Prescott to eat or shop. This is wonderful. These communities are becoming self sustaining.

The consensus in Prescott has been to curtail growth with an emphasis on slowing middle and low income housing. Prescott is actively persuing buying open space to prevent development. This drives up home prices and keeps people out.

So once working class young families move to Chino Valley or Prescott Valley these people should have the option to support their local communities with their tax dollars. This will impact Prescott eventually. Prescott has been enjoying income from ordinary folks who live in other communities. This is going to be greatly reduced.

Prescott is also beginning to lose tax revenue from their own residents. Prescott has not had a movie theater in their jurisdiction for some time. If Prescott residents want to go to a modern theater with nice amenities they now have to drive to Prescott Valley. Prescott will also lose tax revenue from their residents who like Sam's Club in Prescott Valley more than the Costco in Prescott city limits.

Prescott's recent trend toward no growth is going to begin impacting its citizens who will continue to seek improved roads, infrastructure and emergency services.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Please continue to the end of this post after reading the first few sentences.

I hope Barak Obama wins the election. I do not believe in him or support him, but I do believe that should John McCain win, the left will erupt into chaos. The Bush2 presidency has been attacked by the left with epithets from Bush=Hitler to cries of dictatorship. I believe President Bush is a good man and that history will judge him well, subject of course to extreme left wing professors maintaining control of academia. Should John McCain defeat the left's ultimate candidate the Bush years will seem as cordial as a victorian tea party. The affront to the left's ego will be huge. The only answer for them will be that the dumb rednecks were too stupid. There would be violence by them.

This is the only reason I would want Barak Obama to succeed. Fear of the left. It is an extremely short sighted view. The end result would be a weakened United States of America, a weakened Constitution and a lazy public. So this is why I was misleading in my support of Barak Obama. To express the fear of coercion.

The only good vote, not a great vote, is for John McCain. Should John McCain win the left will react spasmodically, it will be terrible in the short run. Remember that the Constitituion in Barak Obama's eyes is fatally flawed. There is nothing to respect. The world will be better off, in the long run of course, with a John McCain presidency.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Here are some various thoughts:

Legislative, judicial, executive branch members of government should not be allowed to take any money or material from lobbyists, PACs or other third party organizations. Members of congress fight viciously to stay in goverment jobs that pays less than a private sector job. Why? Power and prestige and corruption at times. We need to bring back the concept of citizen legislators.

Too many religions teach animosity, greed and false doctrine. To check, does the religion teach contentment as denoted in my previous post. Hebrews 13:5 reads "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."

Does the religion teach there are multiple ways to God? John 14:6 reads "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jude 1:3-4 reads "Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord."

Monday, October 27, 2008


What ever happens next week in the election, pray for our country. Pray that we will be pleasing to God. Pray that we will be constuctive and united. Pray for wisdom prior to voting.

Our politicians are playing down to our basest elements. They play to our greed and try to get us to covet others wealth.

Hebrews 13:5 reads "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."

Should this not be sufficient, to be employed, to work for our income. Why should I receive any money from my government that came from a person who has worked harder than I have or persevered through a longer education than I have. It is corrosive to society to tell people to penalize others with a different standard than they would have for themselves. It corrupts the system.

Be true to God. Be patient and content. Work hard. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Even your wealthy neighbor.

Friday, October 03, 2008


At first I was disappointed that the media and the Democrat party were savaging President Bush. I believed that when the Iraq war turned for the better they would admit their error and be adults. I was wrong.

Last night in the vice-presidential debate Senator Biden continued to attack President Bush. Perhaps Senator Biden knows the Constitution better than I, but I believe the office of Presidency is term limited to 2 terms and President Bush will not be running again.

I do admit I have always liked President Bush even though I may not always agree with him. I think he is an honorable man who has been ravaged for 8 years while protecting this country.

Now Oliver Stone is releasing his movie "W". From the commercials I have seen Oliver Stone is portraying him as dumb teenage boy. I have never respected Oliver Stone or any of the other leftists in the media. This movie just adds on to that lack of admiration.

The leftists have been complaining that the Bush administration has been impacting their freedom of speech through the terrorist surveillance program that listens to international calls from suspected terrorists. I wish the government did not have to do this because future administrations will exagerate this program, but their are terrorist who would like to butcher us. And most outrageously the Obama campaign has already tried to make it a prosecutable crime for campaign adds they don't like. That is a real impact on freedom of speech. The main stream media says nothing, check the alternate media to get the "Rest of the Story".