Monday, September 29, 2008


At the moment the Dow Jones Average is down about 700 points. Left to stand, this will have major impacts on the country and the world.

The House of Representatives voted against the bail-out bill. It seems to be primarily due to politics. The have constituents loudly protesting the bail-out, money going to the big financial instituions. The people are protesting the corruption and Congress is afraid to act, they want re-elected.

I believe there needs to be a bail-out plan and that the protest of the public is undermining our economy in an effort to see "big guys" suffer. The public is not looking at the big picture and how this issue is going to impact their lives. Only too late will the people come to realize their error, when it will take a long time to right the economy.

There is a slim chance we will act in time to avert serious problems but I have little confidence of it. Pundits on the radio and on the internet are still speaking about how this debacle can be used to their gain. They are still playing politics at others expense.


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