Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I just read that the state of Nevada has a retirement funding problem. These type of stories will probably continue to appear in the future.

Our culture of the last 100 years has decided people no longer need to work past 60 to 65 years and our economy is now showing the results. We are bankrupting our children. It embarasses me to look at our youth and know that the money they are sending to Social Security will not be there for their society and it is not secure. We are paying there future to today's elderly.

There are many people that can not work in their 6o's, 70's or 80's and we should support those people monetarily and pray for them and care for them in Christ. The only way out would be for the able bodied older population to voluntarily rejoin the workforce with their experience and add to our GDP, and not take money from the federal government.

This issue will never be addressed by politicians searching for votes from the older segment of the country.

In previous generations there was always an overiding drive to leave a better situation for the children. This thought has skipped the baby boom generation but I hear a return of it more and more from the generation following the boomers.


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