Friday, September 04, 2009

Embassy=Abu Ghraib?

If the left wing had any consistency, yes, there would be an equivalence between the American Embassy in Afghanistan and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

The left wing relentlessly portrayed the abhorent actions by very few soldiers at Abu Ghraib as the state policy of the Bush administration. The left wing knew it was not Bush administration policy but latched on to the story as a way to make political points.

If the left wing had ANY consitency they would now portray the disgusting actions of the guards at the American Embassy in Afghanistan as stated Obama policy just as they jumped at the chance to accuse the Bush administration. But they will not. I do not believe it was Obama policy to sexually abuse guards and I do not believe it was Bush policy for soldiers to abuse prisoners.

Along the same line about consistency. Locally, during the Bush administration we had ladies that would dress up in black dresses and protest the wars. I disagreed with their actions but allowed that they had their opinion. Now, with President Obama in power, their is no sight of the Women in Black. Do they suddenly see the logic of trying to free people from tyranny? Did they get fatigued?

During the Bush administration they local paper, The Prescott Courier, ran many stories about anti-war protests. Now they will not report on Tea Party protests, stating that nothing has changed, it is the same arguments as the last protest. They say they have already covered the subject. Could we have some consistency please.


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