Current Sociological Ideas
What do the following current popular theories\trends have in common:
Abortion is an acceptable procedure.
The elderly should be counselled to forgo treatments and instead treat pain and allow their life to end.
Anonymous social interaction on the computer is gaining in preference to traditional societal interactions.
The earth is overcrowded, population control is required.
Native tribes in remote areas of the globe should not be interacted with by modern man but should be allowed to continue in their ancient (early demise) life style.
Narcotic drugs should be legalized.
The population should turn to the government for its needs.
All these theories, whether intended or not, cause mankind to either turn away from God and seek other guidance and comfort, or cause man not to procreate (prosper) for God. These theories challenge God's primacy in our lives and allow us to hold our welfare as more important than others. These theories put man above God and make our lusts are more important than God's plan. These theories mean that fewer humans are born and there is less interaction with others so that God's Word does not get out and there are fewer souls won for Christ.
Spiritual Warfare is happening now.