Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Spiritual War

There are more occasions of odd groups allying themselves recently.

First, communist dictatorial (or authoritarian) governments are lining up with Islamist regimes. Russia is not only denying assisting wide spread international attempts to curtail Iranian nuclear programs they are actively assisting with technology and military systems to protect the nuclear program. Russia has had major problems with Islamist organizations in the past, like the Beslan school massacre, but they seem to be thinking that they can deal with the U.S. first and handle the Islamists later.

Second, the Democrats are backing an attempted authoritarian take over of Honduras. The Honduran civil authority (supreme court, congress) have spoken to require the observation of their law. Ex-President Zelaya attempted to unilaterally change their constituion to prolong his rule. The civilian authorities ordered his removal by the military much to the chagrin of Zelaya's allies Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Barak Obama.

Third, locally, many ordinary citizens are aligning themselves with the left wing fringe in attempting to keep progress from happening in the name of the evironment (this county's land ownership is 70% government controlled). This axis is seeking more power to control what people can do with their property and the amount of people that move to this area so their eyes will not be offended.

Portions of humanity are seeking to control others while submitting to being more strictly controlled. They are willing to giver up liberty for a nanny. They seek a cocoon made by man rather than submitting to God's graceful rule. There is a spiritual war on. We no longer trust God to work in people's lives but instead our society has decided to become heavily regulated government state.


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