What Party?
Since I have been able to vote I have been registered as a Republican. The Republican party at one time represented an image that was fairly close to my views. In recent times the Republican party has been heading toward a party of more moderate or progressive views. Republican leaders such as David Frum, Colin Powell and even Michael Medved have been espousing the need for conservatives to relinquish their hold to ideals such as abortion, embryonic stem cell research, small government and welcome candidates that espouse views antithetical to theirs.
My faith and my conscience are troubling me more and more. I am unable to vote for Republicans just because they may be slightly closer to my views or they just vocalize my views and govern another way. To vote Democrat is just not an option for me because they are so far gone, but I can no longer just go along with the Republicans either.
It is not just a national issue either. The state Republican party appears more as an insider clique. They strong arm their candidates on the locals (see Rick Renzi and Sydney Hay). The locals are then left to explain felony arrests and unethical actions (Rick Renzi) and the views of lobbyists they don't know (Sydney Hay). We must hold our representation responsible for their actions. I used to believe, or hope, that the Republicans had ethics, but that hope is dimming.
The way the Republican bigwigs treated Sarah Palin was abonimable. Because she did not come from their establishment but instead came from a small population state, they saw is as acceptable to attack her. The Republican party has made itself no longer worth defending.
Remember the Bible says to respect your government's leaders, just don't let them be where you put your faith. Your faith is for God alone. I know not voting is actually another vote for a Democrat so I must analyze each vote seperately. Can I hold my nose and vote Republican or will I abstain?
Well put. We must remember that both parties (being constructions of men) are "of the world" and thus not to be trusted wholesale. Though I've mostly voted R recently, I've avoided registering with ANY political party for most of my adult life. My loyalty, as you say, is to God and God alone.
Thank you for your comment. I am really enjoying your blog.
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